My Super heroes don't go by the names of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc.
but they have amazing names of their own
In your eyes they don't have unnaturally amazing abilities.
but in mine,they are capable of anything.
They don't go around wearing the underpants on the outside of their skin tight clothes *most days :D*
but they are individuals all the same
Just because they don't wear a cape doesn't mean they can't fly.
they have the will power
They don't have massive muscles, *actually some have got big muscles O.O )
but they are strong.
they don't save the whole world around me, but they did save mine.
They don't come crashing out of the sky when i scream help,
instead they come running to my side when i don't say anything..
They don't need xray vision to see inside me,
They already know how i work...
i need them, i owe them, i love them...
There are many more ways to describe my heroes...
Why does Wonder Woman look sexually depraved?
Ha, it seems everyone looks like that to you?? How does she look sexually depraved??