In account of;;;; freakin' RSI post...
Okay well not certain but it is more possible, that instead of RSI....
It could actually be Arthritis..
At least it isn't RSI and yeah not so bad, i suppose...
Although it still hurts alot.... I don't have to explain what RSI is either..
Arthritis, haha, a friend said it was only for old people...
Haha, my uncle had it when he was younger then me...
Alot of my family has it infact.... So many people...
But now i feel alot better knowing i don't have to where that stupid wrist brace...
I can use my wrist properly, i can type so much (although i didn't mind getting out of sose.... ^_^)
And all i have to do is take these pills and slowly we hope it will get better.
How awsome is that!?
it IS awesome!
Arthritis is SO much better than RSI...
At least an aspirin pill can help ease the discomfort of arthritis.
Take Care and thanks for commenting earlier ^_^
I know aye! i feel so much better. And when i type, i don't feel like i'm killing my wrist if you know what i mean?
No problamoes. I liked that post alot. :)