I don't think you get what i've been trying to say..
I don't think you understand what time takes away..
I don't think you get what i'm trying to prove..
I don't think you helping it improve..
I think you have been to oblivious to notice..
I think you take all the time in the world for granted..
I think you are just willing to move..
I think you are giving up on me...
I think that when its all said and done..
I think to much.
Save me from my thoughts, although they are what make me, well me.
I don't mind... because they are driving everyone around me into confusion..
Or maybe, i'm just not clear enough...
So what i've been trying to say is...
I don't mind what you do to me, just don't hurt my friends or family.
I don't like the way you go around care free while everyone else is stuck in their own little hell.
I don't like the way you don't care for them.
And yet what i don't get...
is the way i am addicted to your smile..
Man, you just light up my night...
I like it dark.
This is not all true to how I feel but rather how i have felt at times...
Although people may think it is about them it isn't,
i write i because i feel the need to write,
Because when i've tried to tell you how i feel..
I don't think you get it. :)
But you know me, i always have a smile for you.
A smile for all the others aswell, no matter how much they have hurt me...
And even my worst nightmare, i still smile for it.
But nobody will EVER (!) know what that is.
Sounds like your suffering from a case of confusion and frustration
One moment your happy as a bird...the next moment your shot down for sunday's supper.
We all have those days...sometimes we just gotta suck it up.
It can be a hella a lot worse.
Just take one thing at a time...and keep the love and sanity in your heart.
The Great Line in a Rocky Movie EVER!
Rocky Balboa
You think I'm hurting ya?
Somewhere along the line..we change...
You stopped being you..
People stick a finger in your face and tell you your no good.
And when things got hard...you started looking for something to blame.
Like a Big Shadow...
Let me tell you something you already know...
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows...
It's a very mean...and nasty place...
And no matter how tough you are...
It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently...
If you let it...
You...me...or Nobody is gonna hit as hard as Life.
It Ain't About how hard you hit...
It's about how hard you can get hit...and keep moving forward!
It's about how much can you take and keep moving forward?
If you know what your worth...then get out and get what your worth!
But you gotta be willing to take the hit and not pointing fingers because you ain't where you wanna be because of him..or her...or ANYBODY!
Rocky - Gonna Fly Now!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIsQq-Zd_fY">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIsQq-
I don't know, i'm not fully feeling like that, i needed to write..
Thats what i wrote about...
They are some great lines. Gosh, best.