With just one question on a bulletin:
Is there anyone you really can't stop thinking about?
In the darkness that overcame my mind it became the story of my mind....
They feeling flowed though my fingers, tapping along the keyboard;
"Mmm, yes. There are alot of people i can't stop thinking about.
They are on my mind each and every day of the year.
In my Mind they are the Main actors/Actresses.
They star in their own movies, the never ending movies.
They don't understand how much i worry about them.
each and everyone, it excapes their mind to know i care.
They tear me apart each day,
And don't notice because i hide it with a smile laughing i would say,' she'll be right '.
But very rarely is it right, everything goes wrong...
and unexplainable force..
its called my attitude, one of complications.
i will change the way i am one day, and i will out grow this attitude and get over myself."
Boohoo, suck it up.
If they don't care then thats their problem, you can't control them.
Just go on how you are already.
If your here it couldn't be too bad, aye?
*very weak smile* mmm, thanks.