Our hearts burn bright,
like a fire burning through the night.
the darkest of times are yet to come so...
let your heart burn bright.
join them together, they will fight...
Let's set them on fire,
So they burn all the better,
So they light our way so we can just say..
Our hearts burn like fires in the night.
There's no rain that could put out my flame,
Because it burns on love,
the everlasting type.
I love my life and i'd never trade.
I love my land, forever it will stand.
So my heart burns on,
like a fire in the night.
No rain can put it out.
my love is too strong for it.
Sounds like my kind of attitude.
Let me share one...
"One kind word can warm 3 winter months"
-Japanese Proverb
Not that it's ever cold in Australia.
its all awesome. :)
"And one warm touch can withstand the whole of winter."
-Sam's randomness. ;)
It does get cold.. just not now... hot. xD