When I'm lost in myself, running to find a way out.
I had you helping me all along, how blind could i be.
I thank you for this and the way you make me feel.
It amazes me that when I turn around and look in your eyes,
i suddenly get the courage to go that extra mile just for you.
That when your in trouble I will always have the strength to stand up for you.
That when you're down, I'll always have that smile to make you happy...
because thats how my life rolls by, not with one look to the past but rather taking in the side views.
I can apply most of that to my dad. He always try's to help me even when I'm to lost to see it. although he does most of the helping.
Were do you get thoughs cool photographs?
and is it just me or did you just turn 16!? : )
Yeah, well i wrote that for one of my firends... (:
but yeah i can understand that, my dads the same.
haha, i scrabble through deviantart a fair bit, and i do my own at times.
haha, yeah, 12th of January. :D 15. ;)