Surrounding you with something else is just what it is.
Something different is waiting for you..
Take hold, don't let go..
Hunny, i'm not going to let you go,
though days come and go.
I'm going to stay here,
waiting or sharing..
these moments i hold for you...
The days when we ran hand in hand.
When we cried.
When we laughed till we cried and our sides hurt.
When we screamed and we yelled.
When we sang loud, and danced..
When we ran through the park..
Whn we couldn't stop smiling.
Wth the music so loud we couldn't hear eachother..
those are the moments that truely matter to me...
those are the times i hold close to my heart...
Although your gone now,
and no matter how i feel...
i know that i will never forget you..
although one day i will fade from your memory..
because there will be some other person to take my place.
no matter how hard you try.
i am replacable.
where as, nobody in my life could ever be replaced..
So lets keep on living,
enjoy these times while we have them.
never letting one opportunity pass us by..
Because we love eachothers company..
And we don't want it to end...
So when the sun sets,
let us not say good-bye.
But instead may we say...
'see you again sometime soon.'
Because real friends never say good-bye.
May we remember the times of our lives...
Let them lead us to more fun than we ever expected could happen.
But maybe, we being the best of friends will only depart when death meets us.