under all the lights.

Age 31, Female


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sherockachild22's News

Posted by sherockachild22 - March 23rd, 2011

You make me feel ill in the pit of my stomach.
My heart aches.
I cannot find a way out of this place.
And all I want to do is be with you.
Grow up, you say.
Well hunny, thats what I'm doing with or without you.

Posted by sherockachild22 - December 22nd, 2010

Wishing all of you Newground' folks out there a Joyous holiday from your's truly in Australia.
Hope you all have a wonderful time with friends and family, enjoying whatever weather you have, eating your hearts out and laughing and cheering. :)

Also if I don't find my way back here in time I wish you all a happy New Year. :D

Posted by sherockachild22 - September 11th, 2010

I'm actually really tied down with school work as I'm doing Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Art and Business. Not to mention I've have problems with teachers leaving and having to change subjects mid-term and so forth but I've really missed you guys.

I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch JakBaronKing and Beastkid7.

But once I've done this assignment I should be working on now and last exam I will be back for two weeks for those who actually care.

Anyway, keep it cool.

Posted by sherockachild22 - January 25th, 2010

Australia day tomorrow.
So all you people from the great land of Aus, what are you doing tomorrow?

I have to play in the community orchestra for some performance where they give out awards, and I'll probably have a good old BBQ! And thats about it. :)

Have a great day.

So I'm telling everyone...

Posted by sherockachild22 - January 1st, 2010

Welcome to 2010.
I like the way it rolls off my tongue.
Lets make it something different this year.

Posted by sherockachild22 - December 23rd, 2009

On the ninth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Nine wombats working, Eight dingoes digging, Seven possums playing, Six brolgas dancing, Five Kangaroos, Four koalas cuddling, Three kookaburras laughing, Two pink galahs, And an emu up a gum tree.

They are so cute! A mummy wombats pouch opens up backwards so when she is digging her burrow the baby doesn't get sand all over it. The baby wombats stay with their mum for two years. They are covered in soft thick fur, which makes them look very cuddly, but they have strong legs and claws to help with digging. They are shy. To keep themselves clean they have a dust bath. They lie on their side and scoop sand over themselves. They can also swim, so why they clean themselves in dirt is beyond me. Their teeth grow continuously, so if they break a tooth it just re-grows. Their poo is called 'scrats' and it helps them find their own burrow and tell other animals if the burrow is occupied because they leave them at the door.
Baby wombat

On the tenth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Ten lizards leaping, Nine wombats working, Eight dingoes digging, Seven possums playing, Six brolgas dancing, Five Kangaroos, Four koalas cuddling, Three kookaburras laughing, Two pink galahs, And an emu up a gum tree.

They say Australia has the most breeds of lizards in the world, whether it is true or not... Anyway, I have two favorite kinds of lizards the Aussie Goanna (Monitor) and the Aussie Skink. Out of all the kinds of Skinks, (common blue tongue and eastern three-lined skin being ones I've personally seen) my favorite is actually the Shingleback which is closer to the appearance of the blue tongue. The Shingleback is a slow moving stocky lizard with short logs, short stumpy tail and blue tongue. The stumpy tail looks like its head which throws off predators. Shingle-back lizards seek out the same partner year after year. Because they move so slowly they often get hit on the road, if they get hit and their mate doesn't the mate will often stick around nudging them. *NAWWW* My favorite Goanna is the Lace Monitor/Goanna. Lace Monitors or Goannas are one of Australia's largest lizards. They have strong claws and powerful legs. They are dark grey to black in colour with cream or yellow scales forming bands and blotches. There are usually black bars across the snout, throat and chin. The tongue is long and forked like a snake . Monitors are the only lizards that have a forked tongue. The head and body length grows to about 55cm long with tail about 140cm long. I find them rather cute for their size.

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Although the other lizard appears to be eating it, when a mate is courting the other they bite, lick and nudge each other, the shingleback mate will stay with the other even if it is dead for sometime.

On the eleventh day of Christmas My true love sent to me Eleven numbats nagging, Ten lizards leaping, Nine wombats working, Eight dingoes digging, Seven possums playing, Six brolgas dancing,
Five Kangaroos, Four koalas cuddling, Three kookaburras laughing, Two pink galahs, And an emu up a gum tree.

Numbats live in woodlands in Western Australia, so I've never seen one. Numbats eat only termites (white ants). They are also called 'the banded anteater'. They have long sticky tongues to catch termites. Numbats have reddish-brown fur. The numbat's body is about 24 cm long, and it has a brushy tail about 17 cm long. Its fur is reddish-brown, with white stripes across its back. These stripes, and its diet, have given it the name 'banded anteater'. The numbat has a narrow head with a pointy muzzle. It has a long thin sticky tongue that it flicks into holes where termites are. The numbat is unusual because it is a marsupial without a pouch. The numbat is one of the few marsupials that is active during the day. It sleeps in hollow fallen logs, and sometimes may dig a burrow. The numbat is rare and endangered. Its numbers have been reduced by habitat loss and by foxes, which are introduced animals. Males and females mate around December. Being marusupials, the females are pregnant for just a few days, and the young are born at a very early stage of development. Fourteen days after mating, female numbats give birth to up to 4 young. Each tiny young attaches itself to one of four teats on the outside of the mother's belly, unprotected by a pouch, and stays attached for about 5 months. Young are then moved to a nest in a burrow until spring, when they start to come out and play. By late spring they are ready to move away and find their own territory.

On the twelfth day of Christmas My true love sent to me Twelve parrots prattling, Eleven numbats nagging, Ten lizards leaping, Nine wombats working, Eight dingoes digging, Seven possums playing,
Six brolgas dancing, Five Kangaroos, Four koalas cuddling, Three kookaburras laughing, Two pink galahs, And an emu up a gum tree.

So there are around 300 species of the parrot family recorded throughout the world, extending from the tropics to the subtropical and colder parts of the Southern Hemisphere. 56 species are found in Australia, and only five of these are found elsewhere in the world. The parrot family includes cockatoos, lorikeets, rosellas, ringnecks and budgerigars. And they are hell noisy and loud. I've been swooped by multiple because they do not watch where they are flying. They are very pretty though and air headed. They like eating bottle brush. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo has to be the coolest though, I have the most time for him.

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Every time I think about these Australian animals, I think of the movie Nepoleon, which was a 1995 Australian movie about a house puppy who wanted to be 'wild' it was my favorite movie as a child and I still find something to laugh at now. Often I will quote it.

http://www.reelzchannel.com/movie/2177 46/napoleon

Posted by sherockachild22 - December 21st, 2009

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me eight dingoes digging, seven possums playing, six brolgas dancing, five Kangaroos, four koalas cuddling, three kookaburras laughing, two pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.

Although the dingo did not originate in Australia its been here for a very long time, so we have adopted it as ours. Only the most important male and female in the pack will have pups but the whole pack will help raise them. Females will give birth to the pups in a den, or even a wombat burrow. Dingoes aren't found in Tasmania... It is supposed. The colour of a dingoes coat depends on where it live, golden yellow dingoes are found in sandy areas while darker black and tan dingoes are found in forests. Dingoes rarely bark. They howl at night to keep the family group together and to warn others to stay away.

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Posted by sherockachild22 - December 21st, 2009

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me, an emu up a gum tree.

Okay, heres the thing, you cannot find Emu's in the gum trees around this neck of the wood.
They cannot fly, obviously because they are a big bird with little wings, and if your Kangaroo runs out of hop, you can ride your pet Emu to school, this is also a great form of transportation if you are running late, because they are beasts and run very fast because of their big strong legs. They do attack but are generally peaceful, and they dance!
*Note: The Emu that fluffs out his feathers is trying to get the females attention, he's just acting really cool.

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On the second day of Christmas my true sent to me, two pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.

Galahs are cute little birds, very noisy around the dawn and dusk hours. They are part of the cockatoo family, they are known to be somewhat of a pest or nuisance, but are actually quite intelligent. The word Galah originates from the Yuwaalaraay (Aboriginal language of southeast Australia) word gilaa. They are pets and often can be taught to talk.

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On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me, three kookaburras laughing, two pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.

Kookaburras are something else and always find the worst time to laugh, often when you screw up and you think no one saw, a kookaburra will laugh out of the blue and you'll shake your head it shame or often laugh along with it. They have brown, white, black and blue feathers and are overly stocky in build. They kill their prey by bashing it up against something and will even eat small birds. They are from the king fisher family.

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On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me Four koalas cuddling, three kookaburras laughing, two pink galahs and an emu up a gum tree.

Awww! I love Koalas. Yet they are brutish, smelly and nasty. They look very cuddly and lovable but have huge claws. The koala gets its name from an ancient Aboriginal word meaning "no drink" because it receives over 90% of its hydration from the Eucalyptus leaves (also known as gum leaves) it eats. Pretty much what they do all day is sleep and eat. A mummy koala will talk to her baby through soft clicking, squeaking sounds and gentle humming or murmuring sounds, while the male koala's (and sometimes the females, when annoyed) will grunt and bellow. Because they move so slowly they often get caught in the middle of the road when crossing, and recently in the bush fires many had died.

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On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me five kangaroos, four koalas cuddling, three kookaburras laughing, two pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.

My true love sent me these kangaroos for easier transportation to school. Ahaha. Because my last one got squashed by a drop bear. Not really, unfortunately in Australia we don't all have a kangaroo in our back yard but in some places you don't have to go to far before you find one. Usually they can be found on any golf course or school ovals, because of all the grass on which they feed on, they can really be found anywhere. Not matter on the size of the kangaroo they all have one thing in common, big feet and powerful back legs. Tell you what though, I would never like to come face to face with one of those big red fellas though, they can grow to 5.25 foot tall and the males fight each other by boxing with their front paws and kicking huge kicks.

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On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me six brolgas dancing, five Kangaroos, four koalas cuddling, three kookaburras laughing, two pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.

Brolgas are peaceful. The male and female are know to dance together before mating and will stay with the same partner for life. They are part of the Crane family, they deliver the babies in Australia. They are found in flocks, sometimes to contain over 1000 birds. They are found in the Northern and Eastern parts of Australia in the wetlands.
The Legend of the Brolga:
An Aboriginal legend tells of a beautiful young woman who always danced instead of working. She was turned into a tall, slender bird. Her name was Bralgah. The complicated dance of the brolga is imitated by the Aborigines in some of their dances.

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On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me seven possums playing, six brolgas dancing, five Kangaroos, four koalas cuddling, three kookaburras laughing, two pink galahs, and an emu up a gum tree.

Okay well the last for tonight is the possum, in Australia we have 13 species of large Possums. They are nocturnal and are often brown or grey in colouring. The 1st toe on hind feet is opposable, and the 2nd and 3rd toes are fused except for claws at the tip used for grooming. Often at night I will hear possums fighting outside my bed room, it is a screeching sound and very annoying. They enjoy eating fruits, I suppose you could say they have a big sweet tooth. They have huge eyes and big ears and look overly adorable. They are very curious and will come close to you if you are quiet not boisterous.

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And that is the first seven days of Christmas, Aussie style.

Posted by sherockachild22 - September 28th, 2009

I like spring in Australia... Its.... nice but to the larger degree...
I think its because its like a slightly cooler summer, but still very warm...

The skies are also quiet lovely this time of year...
The grass is also nice...

But the beaches.... they are something brilliant.


Posted by sherockachild22 - September 18th, 2009

Tears stained her face, 'I do not beleive' he repeated.
Too bad they couldn't see that she wasn't breathing...

These dreams had driven her insane, she would cry, she would run.
But they would follow.

Defeated by the world, the constant pounding of their fists on her chest.
Yet still they did not believe, each knock was deadly.

Poison mixed with passion.
All that is left is but ash to what once stood.

Forced to live in the shadow before her.
She gave up.

She felt alive in that moment, where she didn't have to anything.
So she ran.

And she says;
"Fuck, bust your lungs and blow your brain."

ha., i'm not emo for your info.